Monday, February 22, 2010

"My Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

Oh Forest Gump...

Forest Gump is simply one of those movies you can watch over and over and over again...and then still wanna watch it some more. So many lessons can be learned from watching it, and if you are ever in a depressed, unsatisfying mood.. just turn it on... guarantee you, you will feel better.

No matter what Forrest was ever faced with..he pushed through and never let anything get him down..not the fact that his legs weren't "straight"... Jenny running away time and time again... Bubba dyin in Vietnam..his precious mom dying from "the" cancer on a Tuesday..and Jenny dying.

I just love this movie.. the aspect of how much history is involved is so neat to see how they tied it all into Forests life.

I've recently started watching this show called "The Buried Life". It's about 4 guys who three years ago set out on somewhat of a "mission" to complete 100 things they want to do before they die. They spent a couple of years planning it all out... the funding..each working several jobs to save up for an RV and then they were off. Steadily their exposure grew and recently they were given the opportunity to complete #53 on their list.. Have their own TV show. It amazes me that these guys..with little to no money just got sick of living everyday with no real purpose in life. They realized how we are only given one life to live.. with no guarantee of tomorrow.. so they asked a simple question to themselves.. "What do I want to do before I die?". & now here they are.. three years later and have completed a little less than half of the list.. some of the goals are as small as planting a tree... to something as extreme and crazy as attending a party at the playboy mansion. & I haven't even told you the best part... for every task they complete off their list, they meet a stranger and help them with whatever they want to do before they die. They helped one girl "queen" get a plane ticket to Denver, where her mother was buried several years ago after dying from a disease caught from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, LA. They have helped a father who hasn't spoken to his son in 18 years finally get the chance to hear his sons voice... and most recently they helped two life long friends travel back to a "man made" water hole they spent countless summers/years making memories with their other friends 50 years ago...and even found the other 2 friends and got them all together to re-visit the place they will always remember.

It makes me wonder..what do I wanna do before I die? I stated in my last blog that I recently started my bucket list. As I sit down and either add something to the list, or go over what I have already written... I can't help but think.. can I really even get one of these things accomplished? Everyone in life should have the opportunity to do everything they have always wanted to do before they die..especially before it's too late. So I urge anyone that reads this to just write down even a couple of things you have always wanted to do.. AND DO IT! :] (If only it was that easy..right..) but seriously..think of practical things. Want to take a dancing class? SIGN UP! Want to go skydiving? GO DO IT! Don't ever hold back, and always remember how important each day we have is. Don't waste it. So who cares if I don't even get to step foot in the Atlanta Braves clubhouse.. or meet John Mayer... I can go volunteer more.. read 50 books a year.. travel! I can't wait to get a little bit older..make more money and do some of these things. For the first time in a pretty long time, I'm excited for my future.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

With love,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Procrastination & Self-Realization

Well.. just like I predicted.. I didn't exactly keep up with my blog as I had hoped. That's something I'm working on don't worry. I am so sick of procrastinating.. I do it WAY too much.. and what sucks the most about it is I feel like every day, I turn a little bit more into my mother, which not a good thing. But for real, how come every time I have a pretty lengthy to-do list I barely even get one thing accomplished? Why do I put things off so much to where come deadline time I am pulling my hair out with frustration? These are just a couple of the MANY things I need to start working on. I've recently started a "bucket list" if you will... I'll share a few of the things I have thought of so far because I feel something as endearing and personal as a list of things I hope to accomplish before I die is kind of personal. A few that instantly came to my mind were ones anyone who knows me could probably guess..

1) Tour the Atlanta Braves clubhouse/walk on Turner Field. & 2) Meet John Mayer

I have been a big lover of JM music for sometime now.. I think the moment that made me fall in love with his music was his concert in 2007. I had always enjoyed his music, mainly his popular songs like Daughters, Your Body is a Wonderland & No Such Thing, but when I went to that concert in 07' I saw an artist on stage that played with so much passion...and intensity. Ever since that concert I can't help but become some what of an addict to his music. Some of my favorite JM songs are Slow Dancing in a Burning Room, Gravity, Bigger Than My Body & Vultures. I was lucky enough to attend his Concert in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago and I saw him in a completely different light then I ever thought I could. Sure.. the next day his whole Playboy incident came out into the spotlight but you know what.. it's okay. People make mistakes... (as I'm sure Tiger Woods can vouch for.. heh.) every single day people are realizing things about themselves whether its because of their own self-realization or incidents happening that make them look at themselves in a different light. Just like I have realized I need a lot of self healing with different habits I have found myself doing... I am pretty sure John realized he needs to just focus on what he does best. Make music.

Ever since the interview has become public he has tweeted maybe 2-4 tweets one including a link to the Issac Foundation. You see..over the past few years John has built a bond/friendship with a young boy named Issac who suffers from an autism spectrum disorder. Issac is from Canada, and JM's tour made a stop there near Valentines day and Issac made John a HEART. So yes.. criticize John Mayer all you want about his stupid mouth...but report on the good things he does too.. because the Issac Foundation sure can vouch for him.

Okay.. so apparently I ran off on a huge John Mayer tangent but this has been on my mind for quite some time now so I needed to get all of that out. Back to the list. If you are indeed reading this right now (which honestly as I write this..I don't expect a single person to) you might know that I am majoring in Nursing in college. #3 on my list would have to be to travel as a nurse across the U.S and other countries, simply saving lives. Which weirdly enough.. #4 on my list is to become a Doctor (A physicians Assistant will count too). So maybe I will travel as that.. guess I'll have to see how far I can push myself.

To sum this up I'll leave you with a few more random notes that have been on my mind the last couple of months...

1) I want a puppy
2) I moved back home from Birmingham
3) I live with 2 beautiful/lovely roommates who are also my best friends.
4) I twitter now..
5) I am realizing money does not grow on trees
6) I enjoy Biology class
7) Self-Consciousness sometimes gets the best of me
8) The Olympics are pretty bad ass...
9) I need to get closer to God..which is kind of ironic considering I just used the term bas ass...
10) I have had my Iphone for 2 years now and though I can sometimes be too obsessed with it... I love it almost as much as I love my friends...
11) I don't talk to my mom as much as I should...but I am working on it.
12) This winter has been extremely cold down south...

Hope I didn't bore you all too much!

With love..


P.S Thank you Katie Beard for inspiring me to get back to blogging with your most recent post.